Publication Ethics

In connection with our Publishing Ethics Regulations, the editorial committee of the Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS) takes theissue of plagiarism very seriously with all research papers submitted to the journal. We will make the utmost effort to ensure the absence of errors caused by authors’mistakes, inaccurate knowledge, et cetera; that no illegal acts such as forgery or plagiarism are perpetrated; and that all research papers published by us have guaranteed objectivity and accuracy. To this end, when an author submits his/her new paper to us, he/she should accompany it with a separate file including a statement to the effect that the relevant work has been carried out in full compliance with our Ethics Regulations.

The manuscript editor of our Transactions (or one in charge of KIPS Transactions) will be required to provide his/her plagiarism report made using the iThenticate-provided CrossCheck service to an editor in charge, after reviewing each paper submitted. The editor in charge should inform the General Editor-in-Chief and Editor-in-Chief of matters concerning plagiarism detected in submitted papers by the CrossCheck report. Lastly, the General Editor-in-Chief and Editor-in-Chief may inform the manuscript authors of potential plagiarism found in his/her paper and may refuse to accept the paper for publication when necessary.