An Outage Evaluation Model for Wireless Telecommunication Network 

Vol. 10,  No. 1, pp. 111-118, Feb.  2003


Network reliability means network ability which perform normal operation of network components within defined time period, on the other hand, network survivability is the index of normal operation in network failure. In occurrence of network failure, network operator is interested in the measurement of network survivability, but, in a view of subscribers, it is more interested in how many subscribers are out of service and how long the out of service state lasts. In this paper, a service outage evaluation model fitted for telecommunication network in Korea is proposed, which measures the impacts of subscribers in case of network failure which induces a service outage. The outage evaluation result of 퀾obile to Land? service outage which has 30,000 subscribers affected for 30 minutes is 2.5. This value is 5 times larger than that of the same service outage which has 10,000 subscribers affected for 30 minutes, i.e, the impact of subscribers in the former case is 5 times larger than that of the latter case. If 30,000 subscribers have isolated in 퀾obile to Land,? 퀽ocal Mobile to Mobile? service for 30 minutes by the exchange out of order in PCS network, then the evaluation result of this service outage will be 3.75 .


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[IEEE Style]

D. H. Lee and I. Y. Chong, "An Outage Evaluation Model for Wireless Telecommunication Network," The KIPS Transactions:PartC, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 111-118, 2003. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTC.2003.10.1.111.

[ACM Style]

Dong Hoon Lee and Il Young Chong. 2003. An Outage Evaluation Model for Wireless Telecommunication Network. The KIPS Transactions:PartC, 10, 1, (2003), 111-118. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTC.2003.10.1.111.