A Composition Check of Composite Refactorings Not Having a Specification of Precondition 

Vol. 18,  No. 1, pp. 23-34, Feb.  2011


Refactoring has been actively used in recent software developments. Many studies on the processing of more large scaled composite refactorings have been conducted through the composition of elementary refactorings. It is important to verify the possibility of composition before the refactoring is performed, because the composite refactorings are processed to the sequence of composed elementary refactorings. In conventional studies, they verify the possibility of composition using the precondition of composite refactorings which are computed from the precondition and postcondition of elementary refactorings. They can not verify the possibility of composition in case which composite refactorings do not have a specification of precondition. Thus, we plan to verify the possibility of composition by using the elementary refactorings only without any additional definitions of the preconditions of composite refactorings. To achieve this goal, we proposes a specification method of elementary refactorings and a method for the composition check of refactorings. Then, we develop a prototype tool based on these methods. In addition, we verify the efficiency of our methods through case studies.


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[IEEE Style]

K. M. Kim, P. J. Jang, T. G. Kim, "A Composition Check of Composite Refactorings Not Having a Specification of Precondition," The KIPS Transactions:PartD, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 23-34, 2011. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTD.2011.18.1.23.

[ACM Style]

Kyung Min Kim, Pil Jae Jang, and Tae Gong Kim. 2011. A Composition Check of Composite Refactorings Not Having a Specification of Precondition. The KIPS Transactions:PartD, 18, 1, (2011), 23-34. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTD.2011.18.1.23.