Automated Selection System of Examination Questions in Web - Based Instruction 

Vol. 9,  No. 3, pp. 301-310, Sep.  2002


Internet has been applied to the educational field such as data search, lecture by motion picture, realtime examination. Most questions made for these remote examinations use methods of making questions randomly using fixed questions or item pools. The designed system in this paper makes questions without knowing MARK-UP language and after undergoing examinations on Web. Also it readjusts degree of difficulty automatically on the basis of the rate of correct answers. In addition, this enables learners to perform feedback learning after examinations and subsequently learners themselves to adjust their degree of difficulty and undergo reexaminations. The automatic selection system makes it easy to select questions, possible to expect average marks and number of questions made, and to prevent that questions may be made too easy or too hard. For a remote examination, as there are much possibilities of dishonesty such as examination by proxy so different types of problems are made, and problems of the rationality caused from that can be avoided.


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[IEEE Style]

K. A. Kim and E. M. Choi, "Automated Selection System of Examination Questions in Web - Based Instruction," The KIPS Transactions:PartA, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 301-310, 2002. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTA.2002.9.3.301.

[ACM Style]

Kyung A Kim and Eun Man Choi. 2002. Automated Selection System of Examination Questions in Web - Based Instruction. The KIPS Transactions:PartA, 9, 3, (2002), 301-310. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTA.2002.9.3.301.