An Authentication and Handoff Mechanism using AAA and HMIPv6 NEMO Environment 

Vol. 16,  No. 2, pp. 165-182, Apr.  2009


Mobile IPv6 spends considerable bandwidth considering that its signal volume is proportional to the mobile and also it should be strengthened to support the binding signal volume, the traffic, and effective mobility. So, the study in NEMO(Network Mobility), an extended version of Mobile IPv6, has been conducted. NEMO provides its mobility by putting several mobiles and more than one portable router into one unit called as mobile network. Because nodes access Internet via the portable router at this time, it receives transparency without any additional work and that much reduces binding signal while solving binding storm. By supporting mobility, NEMO is able to have various mobile structures which realize several networks hierarchically and it is necessary to improve its safety and security by authenticating among the upper networks or the lower ones while moving. Also, it is extremely required to begin a study in the device to improve efficiency accompanied with mobility, which is executed by the fast hand-off as well as the safe authentication. For those reasons, this paper not only classifies various NEMO mobile scenarios into 7 ways, but also provides AAA authentication of each scenario, the authentication through the safety authentication and fast handoff authentication using FHMIPv6 and the way to reduce both signaling volume and packet delays efficiently during the handoff.


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[IEEE Style]

K. Choi, M. H. Kim, K. J. Chae, "An Authentication and Handoff Mechanism using AAA and HMIPv6 NEMO Environment," The KIPS Transactions:PartC, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 165-182, 2009. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTC.2009.16.2.165.

[ACM Style]

Kyung Choi, Mi Hui Kim, and Ki Joon Chae. 2009. An Authentication and Handoff Mechanism using AAA and HMIPv6 NEMO Environment. The KIPS Transactions:PartC, 16, 2, (2009), 165-182. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTC.2009.16.2.165.