An IDL Compiler for ReCA CORBA System 

Vol. 5,  No. 2, pp. 437-449, Feb.  1998


CORBA announced by the OMG provides a standard infrastructure for distributed object computing. Interfaces for the distributed objects, described by OMG IDL, specify the services available to the distributed objects by defining the operations and types associated with those objects. An OMG IDL compiler generates client stubs and implementation skeletons as well as the associated programming language type mapping. A client stub is a mechanism for generating requsets, while a implementation skeleton is a mechanism for delivering requsets to the actual object implementation. In this paper, we describe the method of generating client stubs and implementation skeletons for ReCA(a Reliable CORBA System Using Ada95) distributed object system. Also, we present an implementation of IDL compiler which generates client stubs and implementation skeletons appropriate to ReCA, system, supporting Ada95 language mapping.


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[IEEE Style]

P. S. Jin, L. D. Hun, K. Y. Gon, P. Y. Su, L. M. Joon, "An IDL Compiler for ReCA CORBA System," The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society (1994 ~ 2000), vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 437-449, 1998. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTE.1998.5.2.437.

[ACM Style]

Park Seong Jin, Lee Dong Hun, Kim Young Gon, Park Yang Su, and Lee Myung Joon. 1998. An IDL Compiler for ReCA CORBA System. The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society (1994 ~ 2000), 5, 2, (1998), 437-449. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTE.1998.5.2.437.