Development of Curriculum Using ROBOTC-based LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and Analysis of Its Educational Effects 

Vol. 18,  No. 5, pp. 165-176, Oct.  2011


In this paper, we show how a curriculum using LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot based ROBOTC for undergraduate students has been developed, and we analyze the educational effect of the curriculum. The curriculum is composed of basic knowledge learning, practice with basic robots, practice with advanced robots, and creative design and implementation of robots. During the three year period since 2009, educational achievement has been analyzed by surveys for 6 classes, 94 students. According to the analysis, the curriculum has highly motivated the students and made them to achieve effectively our educational and academic goals. Also, we observe that the curriculum helped the students to improve their creativity and the problem solving skill, and that the students were autonomously and deeply involved in the homework and the term projects, which made them be very cooperative. Finally, the intensive practice with ROBOTC programming is shown to help students to improve their programming ability of C language.


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[IEEE Style]

K. H. Lee, "Development of Curriculum Using ROBOTC-based LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and Analysis of Its Educational Effects," The KIPS Transactions:PartA, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 165-176, 2011. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTA.2011.18.5.165.

[ACM Style]

Kyung Hee Lee. 2011. Development of Curriculum Using ROBOTC-based LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and Analysis of Its Educational Effects. The KIPS Transactions:PartA, 18, 5, (2011), 165-176. DOI: 10.3745/KIPSTA.2011.18.5.165.