Annotation-guided Code Partitioning Compiler for Homomorphic Encryption Program 

Vol. 13,  No. 7, pp. 291-298, Jul.  2024


Despite its wide application, cloud computing raises privacy leakage concerns because users should send their private data to the cloud. Homomorphic encryption (HE) can resolve the concerns by allowing cloud servers to compute on encrypted data without decryption. However, due to the huge computation overhead of HE, simply executing an entire cloud program with HE causes significant computation. Manually partitioning the program and applying HE only to the partitioned program for the cloud can reduce the computation overhead. However, the manual code partitioning and HE-transformation are time-consuming and error-prone. This work proposes a new homomorphic encryption enabled annotation-guided code partitioning compiler, called Heapa, for privacy preserving cloud computing. Heapa allows programmers to annotate a program about the code region for cloud computing. Then, Heapa analyzes the annotated program, makes a partition plan with a variable list that requires communication and encryption, and generates a homomorphic encryptionenabled partitioned programs. Moreover, Heapa provides not only two region-level partitioning annotations, but also two instruction-level annotations, thus enabling a fine-grained partitioning and achieving better performance. For six machine learning and deep learning applications, Heapa achieves a 3.61 times geomean performance speedup compared to the non-partitioned cloud computing scheme.


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[IEEE Style]

D. Kim, Y. Lee, S. Cheon, H. Choi, J. Lee, H. Youm, H. Kim, "Annotation-guided Code Partitioning Compiler for Homomorphic Encryption Program," The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 291-298, 2024. DOI: 10.3745/TKIPS.2024.13.7.291.

[ACM Style]

Dongkwan Kim, Yongwoo Lee, Seonyoung Cheon, Heelim Choi, Jaeho Lee, Hoyun Youm, and Hanjun Kim. 2024. Annotation-guided Code Partitioning Compiler for Homomorphic Encryption Program. The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society, 13, 7, (2024), 291-298. DOI: 10.3745/TKIPS.2024.13.7.291.